Flip Texas Blue Fund Logo

Join the fight to
Flip Texas Blue

We believe that at our state’s core—Texas is a Blue state, not a Red state. That’s why we started the Flip Texas Blue Fund, to engage and turn out every single Democratic and swing voter in our state to finally Flip Texas Blue!

MAGA Republicans like Ted Cruz and Greg Abbott are working day and night to dismantle democracy in our state. And voters are sick and tired of their far-right antics. Texans want real change from policymakers that will put us first, not the big-money special interests.

Our strategy is simple: engage every single Democrat and Swing Voter we can across the state of Texas to flip our state blue in November and keep Texas blue for years to come!

So we’re investing in key swing races and democratic infrastructure across the state right now.

Want to join our fight?

Sign up for our mailing list below, then donate to fund turnout infrastructure across Texas!